Welcome to Dar Amor Guatemala

Committed to the well-being of our elders.

At Dar Amor Guatemala, we believe that old age is a stage of life that deserves to be lived with fullness, health, and love. That's why we are committed to providing comprehensive care to the elderly in Guatemala, promoting their physical, emotional, and social well-being.

Join us in this cause and help us build a more dignified future for our elders.


Get to know our core values


Dar Amor Guatemala Foundation focuses on providing comprehensive care to the elderly, and this is only possible if empathy is practiced. The organization's staff and volunteers must be able to put themselves in the place of the elderly to understand their needs and offer appropriate solutions.


 Dar Amor Guatemala Foundation has a strong commitment to the community and to the elderly in Guatemala. This is reflected in its mission and the actions it takes to improve their quality of life. Commitment is a key value to ensure that the organization can fulfill its objectives and provide consistent support to its beneficiaries.


Dar Amor Guatemala Foundation is concerned about the physical, emotional, and social well-being of the elderly, and this requires a high level of responsibility. The organization must ensure that its actions have a positive and significant impact on the lives of its beneficiaries, and this is only achieved through a responsible and committed attitude.

Join our cause!

Help improve the lives of the elderly in Guatemala with your donation or as a volunteer in our Dar Amor Guatemala Foundation. Make a difference now!